Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Goin' out with style...

Just like the renowned singer Vanessa Williams once sung,
"[Jamie and Jennica] go and save the best [noraybang experience and meat-fest] for last"
Too true, Vanessa. Too true.
Take for example, our last night spent with the Grahams.

These stellar dudes engaged many in an evening dedicated to eating frying pig in lettuce with garlic and kimchi, and of course, to raising our soju-soaked glasses in a heartening cheer of "Gambay!" We're still not sure what that word means, but we think it's something similar to "I dare you to drink this!" or "Here's to rubbing alcohol!" In either case, we 'gambayed' ourselves to a wonderful capitulation of time spent with such stellar dudes as the Grahams.

And then Nathan got all squirrelly and we had to go somewhere else.

But thankfully that was Puuuuuuuuurincess Noraybang!!! No lewd acts this time, just pure vocal amazingosity to the tenth degree. Do you doubt? Here's proof:

Hil and Lydia just bustin' out the moves as the Grahams sing away the night...

So Nathan and I had to show them all how Ricky Martin does it... We mostly just walked back and forth but they got the idea.

Sometimes it is sooooooo good to sing!!! This was definitely one of those nights. We belted it out something fierce (I got hoarse -wasn't using my diaphragm properly, it turns out) and you should hear the Koreans sing! It blows yer top. One of the Grahams/Skuls' supervisors was there and he sang with such passion and so little accent that it absolutely floored us. Great times, and a great way to say goodbye.


Sebastian! said...

Gambay...Kampai...Kampei. Depending on where you might be, this traditional Asian toast can be pronounced and even spelled differently. One this remains constant: The Meaning "(Drink)To the Bottom". This salut, is almost always accompanied by some vile-tasing shot of something-or-other that can possibly contain dead snakes. It can also be done with beer or your personal drink o choice, but remember are chugging alcohol, and you will become loud.

Anonymous said...

Gum-bay!!!!!! We miss you guys and we'd love to chat soon via le skpe or la telephone. Unforntunately my parents computer doesn't have a mic, so skype is kind of lame for that......