Sunday, April 01, 2007

A While Back...

Ah yes, we have lately experienced a relative hiatus of blogginess, and it has come time again for a splurginess of blogginess. I just used that word 2 TIMES in one sentence!!! Sweet monkey.

Well, what oh what shall we write down here? The last two months have simply flown by like a wee little birdy... comings and goings of more teachers, Korea finally waking up from its fluctuating winter, and a wonderful time throughout.

Our friend Mitchell, stylist-extraordinaire and singer-of-cool-songs, (this is he)

took his leave jubilantly back in February. After a year and 3 months, he headed back to PEI for some real milk, good beef, and a little of Wendy's mom's baked goods. But of course, before he flew away (with 4 stopovers on his way back), he held a party. And oh, t'was a goodly one.

The loverly Hil

Mitch, with Chantel and Mikey... 'looking on with mirth' as they say...

Oh my goodness! Where did these two fine people come from? Oh wait! It's us. Riiiight.

And Jin, our coworker and ohsomuch fun!

Korea has been a great place to get to know new people and form good friendships with solid and enjoyable dudes.

Except for these guys. I barely know who they are.

No, I jest. I know who they are.

And Edith, half of the Texan quotient at Topia: we like her.

And here's Mitchell, and Hilary, singing a lovely version of Lakme's 'Flower Duet'.

Good times were had by all, once again, but we were very sad to see Mitchell go. Happy for him (minus the airline transfers along the way), but sad to see such a great guy leave Junggye-dong. Argh. But now he's in Toronto, or at least on his way there, and we do hope that our paths will cross again!

Another day in February, after church, Hil and I went with Ian and Dorothy to their villa in Itaewon. It's a stellar pad, and they've got the cutest little granddaughter, Nunni; she's a bottle of fun and other than showing us her love for "Lord of the Dance", she also enlightened us to the benefits of making up rules for a game only you know. Interestingly enough, all the rules helped her win and us lose. Hmmmm. Cutie. She's just so dang adorable.
This is after her victory. Don't mind the tall guy; I look like a squirrel who just found a nut... but I do that in most pictures, so you're probably all used to that by now.

Other than the usual run of things, we bought a yoga ball and used it a few times. The sheer INSANITY of it all!! How SUPER COOL!

And then, it was March.

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